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if i’ve learned anything over the past couple of years, it’s how important dads are; how much our earthly dads shape us and determine the way we see ourselves, and how perfect our heavenly dad is when everyone else falls short. country after country, ministry after ministry, day after day, i have noticed that one thing never changes. and that is the need for a father. unfortunately, country after country, ministry after ministry, and day after day, i have seen one major thing lacking. and that is fathers. 

being a young female, i am tempted to feel like it is not my place to say any of this. but my heart hurts too much not to speak. this generation is hurting. they’re crying out. all across the world. and our men need to step up. 

here are a few fatherless faces that i’ve had the privilege to meet around the world. 

starting on the left, are dania and amalia. these two beautiful girls live in tegucigalpa, honduras. they came home one day a couple of years ago to find that their father had hung himself in their one room home. 

the young girl in the center was only 12 years old when i met her in thailand. she had been raped and had gotten pregnant as a result. she had never known a father and now her baby wouldn’t either.

and on the left, are two orphans i spent last summer with in miami. they’d been abandoned at a young age, and have spent their short lives in children’s homes and foster care, only hoping to one day have a tangible father.

and kid after kid after kid after kid that i encounter here in africa is fatherless. each of the ones above has a story that’s broken my heart, and they all end the same. no father.

to be more exact, 94% of the kids in the school i work at do not have a dad present. there are 120 kids in the school. that is 113 children with no dads. and this is just one example.

you guys, this is not ok. women, this is not ok. men, this is not ok. christians, this is not ok. 

our children are our future. and we are currently raising a generation of kids with no fathers. with no male role models. children need dads. boys need to learn how to be men. to protect. to be courageous. to fight and to love. and girls need to learn that they are valued. that they are beautiful. and precious. and loved.

our kids need to know the love of our heavenly father. and how are they going to know that if we don’t put it on display? how can we expect them to believe god is a good father, if we aren’t even willing to father? 

jesus said that he would not leave his children fatherless. he also said to feed his sheep. 

our daddy loves his children. so much. every single one of them. and he has a good plan to take care of each of them. he also has chosen to use man to do just that. so where are they?

are they scared? are they just selfish? are they even aware of the need? are they hearing the call at all?

men, wake up! women, you’re not off the hook. you’re just a different blog for a different day.

but, men, stand up. stand up and look around you. and feel our father’s heart breaking. see all your coworkers who never had a dad. look at your girlfriend who was abused by hers. maybe you never had one yourself. or maybe you did. either way, it’s your turn now. look at all the children. do they know they are loved? have they been told? have they been shown? are they going to know how to respect women and to be dads, or have they only seen the opposite?

it’s time to start living like little eyes are watching us. because they are. it’s time to care for them like the end is coming. because it is. jesus said that pure religion was to care for the orphans. what are you waiting for?

if you have kids, don’t take them lightly. you define their futures. you shape the way they are going to see god. talk to them. play with them. teach them. learn from them. love them. it’s never too late.

and if you don’t have kids, you’re still responsible. pray for the fatherless. pray for god to raise up fathers. mentor a kid. make amends with your own dad. foster. adopt. go. speak. love. the physically, spiritually, and emotionally fatherless are everywhere. love them. because people need to see that there is a heavenly father who is real and who cares. and men, that heavenly father has chosen to use you.

god could have just been god. but he wanted to be our father. it’s a position close to his heart. it’s a role his kids need. and he is calling the men out there to rise up as daddies. physically, spiritually, and emotionally. let him use you. ask him how he wants to. and don’t be afraid to say yes.

also, a special shoutout today to my dad and my grandpa. thanks for always being present and for loving me well.

and thank you, jesus, for being the perfect daddy for all your children. everywhere. everyday. no matter what. no exceptions. teach us to be like you. amen.