
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s 3:30pm. The busses end at 5. And we still have to grocery shop.
We’ll just prayer walk up and down the street real quick, so we’ll have time to get our groceries and catch the last bus, we thought.
Who were we kidding?
As we hurried down Bangla Road, covering it in rushed prayer, we were stopped by 3 very different people. They all had one very similar thing to say to us.
"Go swimming."
Our first encounter was with a high prostitute. We have lots of prostitute friends on Bangla, but this one, none of us had ever talked to before. She saw us, bolted out of her chair, and ran lightning speed out of her bar to come hug us. And then she asked us a question:

“Where you go? You go swimming?”

Now, considering the beach is at the end of Bangla road, and we were headed that way, this didn’t seem weird at all. Most everyone on Bangla knows who we are and what we do, and we’ve never been asked this before, but it seemed like a legitimate question. So we talked to her for a bit, told her we weren’t going swimming today, and continued our walk.
Not even a minute later, we were stopped by one of the street vendors. He’s a guy who sells DVD’s on one of the corners. I see him every day and always mean to stop and talk to him, but never have.

“I’m drunk,” he tells me, out of nowhere.

[Ok, good conversation starter, I think.]

“Where you go? Swimming?”

“No! Not today!” I answer, and just messing around, I ask him, “Why? Should we go swimming?”

“Yes! Go swimming! Now! Today! You need swim!” he replies back.

[Ooooookay, interesting, we think.] And we keep walking.
That’s when we see one of my bar girls sitting all by herself across the street. We go over to say hi to her, just for a second. [We seriously need to head back to get our groceries so we can catch this 5:00 bus.]
Excited to see me as always, she greets me with a hug. Then she lifts up my shirt, and exclaims,

"Where your bikini? You going swimming!”

And Nikki and I just about die laughing.
We don’t get it. Why? We’re wearing clothes. I’m wearing jeans. For the first time since we’ve been in Thailand, I’m wearing jeans. We are clearly not going swimming.
So, pretty sure that God just spoke to us through a high woman, a drunk man, and a prostitute, we decide that we should at least go walk along the beach and see what we hear Him saying.
So we get to the sand.

“Which way?” Nikki asks me.

“That way,” I reply immediately, pointing to the right.

And so we start walking.

We have no idea where we’re going.

No idea what we’re doing.

No idea.

We’re just walking, trying to convince ourselves that we don’t really have to swim right now.
But the farther we walk, the louder God gets.
And He keeps saying two things:

“Get in,” and “Are you gonna listen?”

Finally, Nikki stops walking, turns to me, and says,

“He just asked me if He needs to get a fish…and we need to turn around.”
Ok, fine. We’re going swimming. But where?
“Well, if we’re supposed to turn around, I might know where we’re supposed to go,” I tell her, “There was a little boy with floaties on swimming near where we started walking. I don’t know why, but I think we may be supposed to get in by him.”

“Blue and red floaties? Swimming alone?” she responds, “Yeah, that’s him, let’s go.”
So we walk back to where he was, thinking and praying. Wondering what this was all about. So we find him, set down our stuff, and get in the water.
“Ok, here we are, God. We’re swimming. In our clothes. By this kid. And we don’t know why. So if you wanna tell us, that would be great.”

And we wait. He tells us not to approach the kid. Just to stand nearby and keep an eye on him. So we do. That goes on for a good 20 minutes.
Then He tells instructs me, “Keep waiting, I’m gonna send you someone.”
[Alright, Papa. Waiting.]
One second later, I notice a man paddling past us.

“Hi!” I exclaim.

“He’s gonna talk to us,” I whisper to Nikki.

“Hi!” he answers back, “Where are you from?”

And we begin talking.

This man’s name is Ramin. He is from Iran. He is in his 30’s, unmarried, with no kids. He lives with his parents, has 5 brothers and sisters, and manages business. He is very intelligent. Very kind. Very respectful. And very hungry for the Gospel.
The conversation manifested itself. He’s a Muslim, but doesn’t really follow his religion. He’s fed up with his angry, wrathful god that is impossible to please.
So we got to tell him about our God. Our God who loves. Our God who forgives. Our God who sent His son Jesus to die for us, to take our punishment away…so we don’t have to be good enough, because He is.
We explained the whole Gospel to Ramin in the ocean that day.
And he was so enamored.
“Your God loves?” he just kept saying,

“That so much better.

So much better than my god.

I can’t believe I never knew.

Your God make so much sense.”
He was so intrigued. He asked so many questions. It was so good. He just kept repeating,
“Wow! Your God love!”
At one point, we thought we should tell him why we were swimming in our clothes, so we explained to him that we hadn’t planned on going swimming, but God told us to.
“Do you think we’re crazy?” Nikki asked.

“Why would I think you crazy?” he answered.

“Some people do,” we responded.

“Some people are crazy…but God tell you go swimming so you meet me, because God love me! See, I getting it! I learning!”
And he really was. We asked him if he could get ahold of a Bible in Iran. He wasn’t sure, but he said he was going to search out a Christian church and look into it. Then Nikki remembered that before she left, God had told her to bring an extra Bible with her for something like this.

“Do you read English?” she asked him.

“Yes, I read and write English,” he answered.

“I have a Bible for you!” and so we arranged to meet again that night to give him the Bible.

“I don’t know if I will be able to finish it, though,” was his concern.

“No, no, you can keep it! It’s a gift! If you want it,” we clarified.

 “Really!? A free gift? I am always interested in free gift…especially when free gift is Bible!”
And so we met again that night. Ramin was promptly on time, and we gave him the Bible. He was so excited. We took him to Starbucks, he bought us drinks, and we sat there and talked for hours. Again. His questions were pure, and just as in the ocean that day, he kept repeating, "Your God love. This so good. So much better than my god. Your God love."

Ramin is going to read that Bible. There is no doubt in my mind. 
Ramin is going to become a Christian. There is no doubt in my mind.
And Ramin is going to be a light to his family and his whole business. There is no doubt in my mind. 
The whole country of Iran is going to be affected by this guy that I got to share the Gospel with in the ocean the other day.

All because when God said to go swimming, we went swimming.

How cool is that?

14 responses to “When God tells you to go swimming…”

  1. Great story. It made me cry. God is so clear, yet such a mystery. Praying for all of you in Thiland. Keep on spreading his word, and his love!

  2. This is absolutly incredible. I have absolutly no idea who you are but what I just read has not only made me cry but also want nothing more than to serve the Lord. speechless.

  3. I loove this!! In my practical mind I thought about safety the whole time I read this but at the end I was filled with peace at your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit!! He speaks to us all of the time and when we listen to even the smallest request the benefits can be life altering. Love you Abby! This was really encouraging!!!

  4. What an amazing story!!! I love reading about how others are following God’s moment by moment guidance. Your story was just an answered prayer for our ministry because God is directing us to hold a beach evangelism event this summer on Kiawah Island, SC where we will have baptisms in the ocean. This swimming story is more confirmation that we are hearing from God correctly. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Wow. Praising Papa for your obedience! He moves through willing hearts! I am so encouraged to hear about ministry continuing down Bangla. Thank you girls mak mak! ^__^

  6. This reminded me of Noah building an ark to prepare for a flood when no one had experienced anything like that before. But Noah did it anyway because God asked him to.
    Your obedience to the Lord’s voice embodies what we are all about. Hearing his voice and acting on it. Because of this, people like Ramin hear the Gospel of Christ and know his love. (And how cool that he used a high woman, a drunk man, and a prostitute to get you to dive in!)

  7. ah. this is so good!!!

    crazy how the lord shows up through the most unlikely of people to manifest his presence to this one guy. so incredibly proud of you guys for listening and trusting and obeying – even when it didn’t make any sense!

    love you, abby!

  8. Hello, you don’t know me, but I am your brother in Christ.

    I went to Uganda this past summer through AIM, and suffice to say it was a powerful experience, but as time tarries on I have felt the height of that joy wane from my mind. I am registered for a trip to Russia this upcoming summer and cannot summon the drive to be excited about it, even though God planted the idea in my heart while in Uganda.

    I know your time on the internet is likely sparse, so I’ll try and cut to the chase. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen [Heb 1:11].” “For in this hope we are saved… But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it [Rom 8:24&25].” “You of little faith,why did you doubt [Matt 14:31]?”

    In times like these when the world around me scoffs, “Where is your God?” my Anchor holds. My Anchor holds forever. Your story has brought me deep encouragement and has been a light among lights along the path. May our feet ever bring the Good News of Jesus Christ!

    Blessing on Ramin and his family in the name of Jesus Christ. May He withstand the strongest storms in the name of Jesus, his eternal Anchor.

  9. Thank you for following the Holy Spirit. This,no doubt, will touch lives inore ways than one. Praying for Ramin.

  10. wow, i was there six months ago and i am so incredibly grateful that our God is still ever-present on Bangla. Prayers and blessings sent your way!

  11. I love this! This is beautiful. You guys are such an inspiration to me to keep on going where God is leading me, even when it doesn’t make sense. LOVE YOU ALL!

  12. AHHHH!!! This, right here, is what changes the world… Listening to God even when it seems crazy. This story is my FAVORITE kind of story… The kind where Jesus just speaks out insane things and you DO it. I had the same kind of thing happen to me in Tanzania with a Muslim man, and when He gave his life to Jesus, it totally changed mine. I couldn’t believe how personal God is and how much He longs to answer the cries of people’s hearts when they DON’T EVEN KNOW THEY’RE CRYING OUT TO HIM. And He wants to answer those prayers through us, but so much of the time we’re too busy being busy, or trying to rationalize what’s being said.

    I hope this experience marks your life forever. I hope you got Ramin’s contact info and can keep up with him, because his country is going to be shaken by what he brings back in with him. AMEN JESUS!!!!!