
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

this was NOT my plan.

i just spent 9 months overseas with AIM.

then 2 months at children's home in miami.

i have been home less than 3 weeks out of the past year.

my plan, now, for this fall, was to go HOME. 

to my family and friends and job and school.

to stir things up for Jesus there.

and Jesus knew that.

surely He would approve.

surely He wouldn't say no to me encouraging my old christian friends at the community college.

surely He wouldn't say no to my desire to show this new love He taught me to my real biological family.

surely He wouldn't say no to me being a bridesmaid in my beautiful cousin's wedding.

surely He wouldn't say no me roadtripping around the US every weekend for HIS purposes.

going home made sense.

it was going to glorify Him.

surely He wouldn't say no.

and then He said no.

long story short, i was convinced that i was going to be home this fall because Jesus wanted me to.

but then He told me that He didn't.

it all happened quickly and it's all still a shock, but He opened doors, made His order SUPER clear…

and i am going back to thailand this fall.

i'll be leading the fall passport trip, a group of 7 girls, to a city called chiang mai.

we'll be working in slums, in schools, and in the red light district.

getting free and proclaiming freedom. 

telling, and more importantly, showing, thousands of young prostitutes their worth in our savior.

preaching the gospel, healing the sick, casting out demons, loving the unlovable.

i'm terrified.

i'm excited.

i'm ready.

i have no co-leader.

i have Jesus as a co-leader.

and even though my brain and logic try to tell me i'm not equipped for this,

Jesus says i so am.

and for some reason i have yet to find out, 

it's right where He wants me.

so here i am.

i leave in one week.

i have leader training.

i meet my team (WHICH I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT.) 

and on august 30th,

i fly with them to thailand.

this was not my plan,

but there's no place i'd rather be than in His.

prayers and prayers and more prayers are so appreciated right now ๐Ÿ™‚ 

if you'd like to let Him use you to help fund this, i do have to raise $1,500 by october,

over to the left, there's that 'support me' button…

WHATEVER you can give, i'm ever so grateful for.

thanks tons for all the prayers and support.

much love,


5 responses to “well…i’m going back to thailand…”

  1. Abby! I am soo excited for you!!! This trip is going to be amazing and I am so excited for what God has in store for you in this season! Your heart is so pure and your obedience is inspiring! You’re such a gem! These girls are going to be so blessed to have you as their leader and I’m stoked you get to go back to Thailand to minister to more people. Abba has already given you everything you need to do this and His precious Holy Spirit makes you sufficient! Can’t wait to hear your stories! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. YES! I led there this summer. Emmi is the greatest, you’re going to have an INCREDIBLE three months! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You are amazing. I wish I understood what it was like to really hear and follow God’s call the way that you do. You blow my mind.